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Momordica charantia

Known as Bitter Gourd, Karela,  bitter melon; Goya; bitter apple

Languages Names
Botanical name Momordica charantia
English Bitter Gourd
French Gourde amère
German Bitterer Kürbis
Spanish calabaza amarga
Italian Zucca Amara
Portuguese Cabaço Amargo
Korean 고야
Chinese 苦瓜
Japanese ゴーヤ


Common Name Bitter melon, Bitter gourd, Karela
Botanical Name Momordica charantia
Family Cucurbitaceae
Native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean; widely cultivated in India, China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America.
Main Phytochemicals
- Charantin (steroid glycosides)
- Momordicosides (triterpenoids)
- Alkaloids
- Flavonoids (e.g., quercetin, kaempferol)
- Cucurbitacins
- Vitamin C and carotenoids (e.g., beta-carotene)
Medicinal Uses
- Antidiabetic properties due to charantin and polypeptide-P, which help regulate blood sugar levels
- Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
- Used for digestive issues and as a general tonic
Nutritional Content
- Rich in Vitamin C
- Contains fiber, folate, and Vitamin A
- Low in calories but nutrient-dense
- Good source of potassium, magnesium, and iron
Edible Parts
The fruit is the main edible part, consumed cooked, raw, or as a juice. Leaves and seeds are sometimes used in traditional medicines, but the seeds can be toxic in large amounts.
Potential Toxicity
Seeds and immature fruits contain momordicin and other compounds that may cause toxicity when consumed in excess. Pregnant women are advised to avoid high doses due to potential abortifacient effects.
Uses in Traditional Medicine
- Used in Ayurvedic, Chinese, and African medicine to treat diabetes, infections, digestive disorders, and skin conditions
- Traditionally used as a remedy for fever, malaria, and to promote wound healing
Industrial Uses
- Extracts are used in supplements aimed at managing blood sugar levels
- Used in herbal formulations and teas
- Bitter melon extracts are studied for potential pharmaceutical applications, including anticancer drugs
Antioxidant Activity
Contains high levels of flavonoids, phenolics, and Vitamin C, which help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
Other Bioactivities
- Antimicrobial and antiviral properties
- Anti-cancer potential due to triterpenoids and cucurbitacins
- Immunomodulatory effects
Culinary Uses
- The fruit is commonly used in Indian, Southeast Asian, and Caribbean cuisines, often stir-fried, curried, or pickled
- Bitter melon juice is consumed for its medicinal properties, particularly in managing diabetes

Shop Momordica charantia as powder,seeds,dried,oil,roots,stems,leaves, dehydrated,roots,flowers,fruits,herbs,ayurveda and other forms at wholesale prices at TheWholesalerCo

Exporting premium quality Bitter Gourd products to US, Europe, UK, China, Canada, Australia, Middle East, France, Germany, Korea, Japan, France, Germany, UAE, Italy, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil, Israel, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Malaysia

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